Team ATC – IronMan Barcelona, 7th Oct 2018
In 2018, 22 members of Athy Triathlon Club are undertaking a challenge some consider the greatest one day event for amateur Triathlon & endurance enthusiasts, an IRONMAN TRIATHLON. The Ironman consists of a 3.8 Km swim, 180 Km cycle followed by a 42.2 Km marathon. Only 5 members of the ATC Barca team have ever completed an Ironman previously, so for 17 it will be their first and biggest accomplishment. For many it will be the ultimate sporting achievement of their lives for others it’ll only inspire them to do more. For all 22 it is an opportunity to be part of a collective desire to highlight and fundraise for a select number of chosen charities and great causes. We also look forward to promoting our ever expanding club, our great town and the sport of Triathlon along the way.
Please click below to find further information on the charities we are supporting.
Several Local Athy Charities
The venue for this epic event will be Ironman Barcelona, held in Calella, Spain on Sunday 7th October. Click on the link across for more details of the event – Iron Man Barcelona 2018
Of the 100+ clubs from around the world participating in the event, Athy Triathlon Club will be the most represented. Quite an achievement in itself considering the club is only 6 years in existence and many of its members only started participating in triathlons in the last 2-3 years. To achieve our Barca goal each member of the team will need to commit to hundreds of hours and thousands of kilometres of training over the next 9 months but we will get there.
All 22 of our club members will be paying their own way and also hope to collectively raise Eur 25,000, with 100% of funds raised going to the above charities.
We hope to achieve this through a mix of both corporate and individual donations.
Follow the link here to donate – CLICK HERE TO DONATE VIA IFUNDRAISE which allows individuals to make an online donation, or click the Donate icon above. Please be sure to leave a name/message for our team. Alternatively individuals or corporates can transfer cash donations directly to the clubs fundraising bank account (to cut out those pesky commissions & fees!!!):
Account Name: Athy Triathlon Club Charity Fundraising
Bank Name: Bank of Ireland Athy (Sort Code: 900965)
IBAN: IE36BOFI90096580877311
Or contact our Fundraising Committee by email ( to discuss other contribution options.
All contributions to our fund raising event will go towards helping our charities continue the crucial work they do locally, regionally and nationally, donations do make a difference.
Many thanks to the organistations below who have already made very generous cash, goods & services contributions or have become official sponsors:
We also want you to get to know our ATC Barca team members. The guys and girls doing the hard miles in training, making the sacrifices and taking on the challenge. Please click link here to get the background on all our athletes – ATC IRONMAN ATHLETE PROFILES
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To aid our fundraising efforts we are asking everyone to get involved by sponsoring, donating, advertising or just supporting our event in anyway you can. Please share our event info on your social media platforms, mention it to family & friends, clubs or local interest groups.
We also want to keep people informed about how our team are progressing. To follow our event blog and see what some of our participants are doing between now and October you can click on the Blog icon below.
Further information can also be obtained by contacting us directly.
email –
Facebook Page –